The Unmistakable Scent
- Panel 1
{Tycho and Gabe are stood facing each other. Gabe has his fist clenched.}
Gabe: This Mage Talent Review reeks of nerf. Some guildies and I are going to picket by the Auction House in Ironforge.
Tycho: If you picket in-game, you are paying them to protest. Why don't you just quit?
- Panel 2
{Gabe lowers his fist.}
Gabe: But... But I have Zul' Gurub on Monday.
Tycho: You're a fucking addict.
Gabe: I'm not playing right now.
- Panel 3
{Zoom out. Gabe has turned his head around and sees his hand playing World of Warcraft on his laptop.}
Tycho: Yes, you are.
Gabe: Am I? Dammit!
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Preceded by: May 5, 2006 |
Penny Arcade strips | Followed by: May 10, 2006 |